29 June 2009

Holy Radioactivity, Batman!

While waiting to board the U-bahn (metro, subway - whatever you call it in your country) one afternoon last summer, I saw a disembarking man wearing an armband indicating that he was blind. If you’re not familiar with the symbol for blindness, it’s a yellow background with three black dots arranged in a triangle…and could be mistaken, at first glance, for the warning for radioactive materials. I’ll give you two guesses as to which way I interpreted it. I experienced a few seconds of panic and almost screamed, “Everyone evacuate! He's radioactive!” before being told that he was simply blind, not radioactive. Good thing I was with people who knew such things!

1 comment:

  1. Holy transfiguration, you've got a blog! Nice one! It does take a bit more time in updating it than expected (at least that's my experience). Anyway, happy blogging and beware of the radioactive Viennese! See you Tuesday
